Customizing Your Personal Settings

Customize Your Personal Settings

In this Article:

Profile Details
Automatic Membership Options

Notifications Overview
Stakeholder Notifications
Notification Preferences
Email Frequency
Suppressing Notifications for Blocked Work

To customize your profile, click the avatar icon found in the bottom left of the navigation menu and select Personal Settings. 

Profile Details

You can update your avatar, name, title, and contact information in your profile.

Select the applicable links to Change Avatar image or the trash icon to remove it. When Change Avatar is selected, a prompt to choose an image from the file menu will display. Once chosen, the file will be automatically uploaded and updated. Upon completion, a notification, ‘Your changes have been saved.’ will display in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

Both First Name and Last Name fields are required for each user profile. Job Title and Phone Number are optional. Update these fields as necessary and click Save.


Enter in your current password and new password twice and click Update Password. Upon completion, a notification, ‘Your password has been changed.’ will display in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. If you are uncertain of your current password, please request a password reset instead.

*Your account requires at least 8 characters for all system passwords.

Automatic Membership Options

Team Members can also manage their automatic membership options. Choose to be automatically added to anything you create or update with the provided toggles.


If you have Time Categories enabled in your account, you have the ability to select a default time category to be applied to your time entries.

Click the dropdown menu to the right of Default Time Category and select the appropriate category.

Time Categories are only available to Business and Enterprise Customer


Availability by day allows you to set a specific amount of time you’re able to work each week. By default your availability will be set to 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday. Select the number of hours to the right of the day and enter the amount of time you’re available to work.

Availability in BLD Workflow gives Team Members and their managers the ability to adjust weekly availability as well as enter specific time off needed. Updates to availability will be visible in Workload view for easier, more accurate assignments.

Select Availability from the Personal Settings sub navigation to update your availability and enter any time off.

Time Off gives you the ability to enter your vacation, appointments, and any other specific time off needed.

Scroll to the bottom of availability and select Add Time Off to add a new entry.

Enter a name for your time off and select the day(s) desired.

Toggle off Take off all day to adjust the number of hours needed for your time off. Select Save when complete.

Your time off entries will be shown under EXISTING TIME OFF. Select the actions menu to the right of an entry to edit or delete your time off.

Notifications Overview

Certain events related to work, requests, and reviews will trigger in-app notifications to keep your teams informed of important collaboration and activity. To view any new or past notifications within BLD Workflow, select the notification icon in the bottom left-hand side of the navigation menu. This icon will display with a small badge when new notifications are available.

Once you open the menu, your notifications will be listed beginning with the most recent. You can click on the related work, request, or review link to be taken directly to the page with related activity.

Once the notification is read, the icon badge will disappear until another notification is received.

Additionally, these same events related to projects, tasks, and proofs may trigger email notifications, based on your preferences. The main call to action button found within the email notification will open the page with related activity. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to do so.

Stakeholder Notifications

  • Someone @mentions you on a request or review
  • Someone replies to your comment or a conversation thread you’ve participated in
  • A request you’ve submitted has been accepted, completed, archived, or unarchived
  • A request you’ve submitted is overdue or the due date has changed
  • You’ve been invited to review a proof
  • A review you’ve been invited to has an updated deadline
  • A review you’ve been invited to has been canceled
  • You’ve been skipped as a reviewer and your feedback is no longer needed
  • A review has automatically progressed without your feedback
  • A review has met its deadline and expired

Notifications Preferences

Team members and stakeholders can also customize which email and in-app notifications they would like to receive and how often. You can access these settings from the Notifications page within your Personal Settings.

Select the toggle under the In-App or Email column headers to configure your preferences for that notification. Team members can also select which type of work you would like to be notified about. You can update these preferences at any time.

Email Frequency

Additionally, you can customize how often they would like to receive emails from the system. Your accounts will default to sending emails Immediately; however, users can update their notifications to receive email digests Every 15 MinutesEvery HourDaily (emailed the morning after), or Weekly (emailed every Monday morning). Each email digest will include all emails that would have been sent in one single email.

Additionally, you can customize how often they would like to receive emails from the system. Your accounts will default to sending emails Immediately; however, users can update their notifications to receive email digests Every 15 MinutesEvery HourDaily (emailed the morning after), or Weekly (emailed every Monday morning). Each email digest will include all emails that would have been sent in one single email.

Suppressing Notifications for Blocked Work

Team members can opt to suppress both in-app and email notifications for blocked work items to ensure they’re only receiving notifications related to work that is ready. Once the blocker is completed, members will receive notifications for their assigned task or proof based on their custom preferences.