Transform your Social Media presence!

Engage Your Audience, Maximize Your Reach.

At BLD, we specialize in crafting custom social media strategies for tangible results. Leveraging data-driven insights and creative content, we empower your brand to engage your audience effectively. Our mission is simple: to help you achieve your business goals and expand your social media presence.


Our Process:


Discovery Phase


Strategy Development


Execution and Optimization


Analytics and Reporting

social media seo strategy

Creating Your Unique Social Media Strategy.

With BLD, we initiate by conducting research into your organization.

Identifying key messaging pillars and themes to steer content creation, ensuring alignment with your objectives.

Analyzing potential opportunities and challenges in establishing your social media presence, we perform an audit of existing digital assets and previous social media efforts. This allows us to develop a tailored social media strategy perfectly aligned with your goals.

Our strategy outlines content pillars, tone of voice, and engagement strategies crafted to captivate your audience and foster meaningful connections.

Crafting Your Custom Content Calendar.

Our expertise lies in curating engaging content ideas. With BLD, we meticulously create a detailed content calendar monthly, perfectly aligned with your established strategy. This calendar ensures consistency and coherence in your social media presence, maximizing its impact. From visuals and video clips to informative posts, we ensure that every piece of content scheduled resonates with your audience and furthers your brand objectives.

Maximize Your Social Media Impact.

We initiate posting on your preferred social media platform, adhering to the approved content calendar. With BLD, we maintain a strategic posting schedule, leveraging best practices and analytical data to determine the optimal timing for engagement. This approach aims to maximize audience interaction and brand visibility.


Starter Pack

  • 3 posts per week on LinkedIn
  • 3 posts per week on Facebook
  • 3 posts per week on Instagram (Stories, Still, Carousels)
  • 1 hour of community engagement per month
  • Strategic hashtag research
  • 1 hour monthly meeting check-in
  • Basic Monthly Analytics Review

Essential Pack (BLD Recommended)

  • 5 posts per week on LinkedIn
  • 5 posts per week on Facebook
  • 3 posts per week on Instagram (Stories, Still, Carousels, Reels - only editing)
  • 2 hour of community engagement per month
  • Strategic hashtag research
  • 1 hour bi-weekly meeting check-ins
  • Comprehensive Monthly Analytics Review

All In Pack

  • 7 posts per week on LinkedIn
  • 7 posts per week on Facebook
  • 5 posts per week on Instagram (Stories, Still, Carousels, Reels - only editing)
  • 3 hour of community engagement per month
  • Strategic hashtag research
  • 1 hour weekly meeting check-ins
  • In-depth Monthly Analytics Review

Transforming your Social Media presence starts with a FREE 30-minute discovery call.

Complete the form below and we will email you a link to schedule a time that best suits you.
social media seo strategy, audience engagement